Site | Xara  |
Language | Xara |
Year | 2000 |
Translator | Jim Taylor |
Introduction | Berexit 11: 1 - 9 Babel text translation in Xara, an a priori constructed language by Jim Taylor. |
Verse 1 | tanol aovanme durar puran melomer tan ha xulasme xu termeyer feloman ha umilasme. |
Verse 2 | si ha falerimasme do selugem uneyedir rahuyan do Xinar ha sumasme xu ha rumasme reun. |
Verse 3 | osmeyir ha milonasme 'puturmeyer ja jiyeledisme xu asmeyer ja garevalisme takuan. xu puturme asmeyir ha orjiasme lifome xu dulegom asmeyir ha orjias tujul. |
Verse 4 | ha milonasme 'zimader ja givodilisme xeye zukuler si xulas xeye ro vul si sumavaras goru na orjiasme kemilan xu ri ki na hanulimasme fo dur.' |
Verse 5 | ne Xor zimadir xu zukulir xeyer ha givodilasme ha xumas gevol. |
Verse 6 | xu ha milonas 'zu aovanme tan xeye melomer tan a melevasme xu zu semel parmeyar asmeyan. na xandasme nenusol geyer par xeyer si felimasme. |
Verse 7 | ne ja xumis gevol xu melomer asmeyan ja soleyimis goru melever osmeyan ri ja gelejasme.' |
Verse 8 | xu Xor asmeyer ha legexas no seun ro rahul durar puran xu ha gumasme zimader givodil. |
Verse 9 | seyen seun ki a ilijas Babel rojo seun Xor melomeyer gean durar puran ha soleyimas xu Xor aovanmeyer ha legexas no seun ro rahul durar puran. |
English Paraphrase 1 | At first the peoples of the world whole language one had and words same used. |
Paraphrase 2 | Wandering in the East to a region flat in Babylon they came and they stayed there. |
Paraphrase 3 | To themselves they said, 'Bricks let us make and them let us bake hard.' And the bricks for them became stones and tar for them became mortar. |
Paraphrase 4 | They said, 'A city let us build, which a tower having which to heaven reaching so that we will become famous and not be scattered on the world.' |
Paraphrase 5 | And God to the city and to the tower which they built went down. |
Paraphrase 6 | And he said, 'Behold a peoples one which language one they speak and behold the start of deeds their. They will be able to soon all things do that they desiring. |
Paraphrase 7 | So let me go down and language their let me mix, so that speech their own they do not understand.' |
Paraphrase 8 | And God them scattered from there to the surface of the world whole and they stopped the city to build. |
Paraphrase 9 | Therefore there it is called Babel because there God languages all of the world entire mixed and God peoples scattered from there to the surface of the world entire. |
Submitted By | Jim Taylor |
Date Submitted | Monday, March 25, 2002 |
Date Edited | Monday, March 25, 2002 |
Date To Headline | Monday, March 25, 2002 |