Site | Telpuilkoc  |
Language | Telpuilkoc |
Year | 2003 |
Translator | Eddy Ohlms |
Introduction | If you were to translate this back into English, you'd find that it is very different. It was difficult to translate it into Telpuilkoc. Also, note that this language is extremely polysynthetic. Each word is built around a verb. The verb has a bunch of prefixes and suffixes attached to it to indicate tense, nouns, adjectives, etc. You'll also notice there are many dificult conconant clusters. Those are supposed to be there. I had to update this because my conlang has changed signifigantly. |
Verse 1 | St'ulköql'itilaa st'umiknëa. |
Verse 2 | Tsþatilafçitelþua, Shinar miaaklëfnaa miaak'ula'ikëa. |
Verse 3 | "Kl'a'ikëmak kl'aþm!amak," knëa. Kl'aþ'ikia. |
Verse 4 | "Mqu'ikëmak. !'ëk'ulaql'i skaftiak'ula. Sftiqstëkama. Tila!itsökaufimi," knëa. |
Verse 5 | Mquk'ulatl!amöa. |
Verse 6 | "Nfi'ikë þist'ulköknë," knëmöa. |
Verse 7 | Lköç'ilumök tiëtstënaþëfite|þuë. |
Verse 8 | Titila!itelþutsökamöa. Mqu'ikëfia. |
Verse 9 | Babel nmuu qëtilailköçilumöa. Tila!itelþutsökamöa. |
Interlinear Translation 1 | common-language-have-world-past common-3rd_person-speak-past. |
Translation 2 | east-land-travel-people-past, Shinar 3rdperson-ablative-land-find-past 3rdperson-ablative-building-construct-past. |
Translation 3 | "brick-make-1stperson-command brick-heat-1stperson-command," say-past. brick-tar-use-past. |
Translation 4 | "city-make-1stperson-command. tall-building-possess sky-float-building. ???-become-1stperson. world-dative-scatter-passive-not-3rdperson." say-past. |
Translation 5 | city-building-see-deitypronoun-past. |
Translation 6 | "anything-build if-common-language-speak," say-deitypronoun. |
Translation 7 | language-disrupt-deitypronoun-command thus-unable_to-understand-self-people. |
Translation 8 | thus-world-dative-people-scatter-deitypronoun-past. city-build-not-past |
Translation 9 | Babel call-passive because-world-genitive-language-disrupt-deitypronoun-past. world-dative-people-scatter-deitypronoun-past. |
Notes 2 | The affix -tila- can refer to large amount of land or the world depending on context. |
Notes 4 | -sfti- means respected due to strength or power, roughly. |
Notes 5 | The affix translated as "deity pronoun" is reserved for gods or goddesses of the religion of the speaker. |
Submitted By | Eddy Ohlms |
Date Submitted | Wednesday, June 04, 2003 |
Updated By | Eddy Ohlms |
Date Edited | Wednesday, June 04, 2003 |
Description Of Update | major fix due to changes in conlang. |
Date To Headline | Wednesday, June 04, 2003 |