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Verse 1Aeđa dei domoera ae dei husuru ma xuda mosa aana.
Verse 2Aeđa vu laбa, šo casa nosa zaumu, da loebana botupu Šínarma casa pafa, nišana casa ae defa.
Verse 3Aeđa dei debeiđa casa husa, “Isist, dueorini foea habist, ae punu iude xudoš.”
Verse 4Aeđa casa husa, “Isist, da coheana ae du feinonu foea klobist férau, Fameunu vutu feža aawid, ae da foeana foeara dist, đésa qabonu zacipi mosabaepa foea zuelast.
Verse 5Aeđa coheana ae feinonu Dišora wesa žoat, griu tinteu Nataras kloban.
Verse 6Aeđa Dišora husa, “Žoist, deini ma natabae aane, ae dei domoena casabae ruse, ae gunu casa bibiđe. Laat suzana puera lec yode, goe vunu casa tiude.
Verse 7Isist, nišana foea wesist ae domoena casata vore, aun debeita husunu casa lec zopes.”
Verse 8Aunđa casana nišapa zacipi mosabaepa Dišora zuela, ae coheana casa lec klobec.
Verse 9Hél foana vuru foba šo Baabúl, lom niš domoera mosabaera Dišora voran, ae puena nišapa zacipi mosabaepa Dišora zuela xudoš.
Interlinear Translation 1And of one language and of one speech the complete world was,
Translation 2And it came to happen, as they traveled across a distance from the east, a plain in the land of Shinar they located, and there they took up residence
Translation 3And one to another they said, “Come now, brick us make, and them burn completely.”
Translation 4And they said, “Come now, a city and a tower us build ourself, heaven it’s top must extend into, and a name for us make, unless abroad on the face of the whole planet we to be scattered.”
Translation 5And the city and the tower God descended to see, which the children of Men had built
Translation 6And God said, ‘Look, one the people are, and one language all of them have, and this they start. Now nothing for them will not be out of reach if it they plan
Translation 7Come now, there us descend and their language confound, so each other’s speech they will not understand.
Translation 8So them from there on the face of the whole planet God scattered, and the city they stopped building
Translation 9Therefore the name of it is named as Babel, because there the language of all the planet God had confounded, and them from there on the face of the whole planet God scatter completely
Notes 1"dei domoera" - 'of one language' (associative case used to show relationship with the world); "dei husuru" actually translates to "of one spoken tongue", but conveys the same meaning as "speech" in this context.
Notes 6"lec yode" is the negative for present indicative active tense. The verb "yodat" means 'to be beyond the capabilities of, to be out of the reach of'. Negating the verb in the present indicative active tense forms the concept 'nothing is beyond the reach of'.
Submitted ByScott Hutton
Date SubmittedWednesday, May 14, 2003
Date EditedWednesday, May 14, 2003
Date To HeadlineWednesday, May 14, 2003

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