Site | Romana  |
Language | Romana |
Language Subtitle | The Roman Language |
Year | 2003 |
Translator | Dan Tohatan |
Introduction | Isto este il testo intitulato "La Ture Babel" in lingua Romana, una lingua che este l'evoluzione de la lingua Latina. |
Verse 1 | E tota tera aveva una singula lingua, ed uno modo de parlare. |
Verse 2 | Ed era com eli venevan del oriente, eli trovaro un campo in tera de Shinar ed abitaro achelo. |
Verse 3 | E dissiro uno ad un altro, "Venite! Che construamo lateri e le ardamo al foco." |
Verse 4 | Ed eli dissiro, "Venite! Che ni construamo una citate ed una ture, col capite in cielo, e che ni facamo un nome, che no siemo perduti supra tota la tera." |
Verse 5 | E Deo descendu pro vedere la citate e la ture che i filii del Omo edificasseran. |
Verse 6 | E Deo dissi, "Ece! Una nazione ed una lingua pro toti, ed ista eli avun inceputo a facere. E nun, toto che ei volun facere no sera interdito." |
Verse 7 | Venite! Vadamo descendere e vadamo confundare la lingua loro achelo, che no audia un omo la lingua del suo amico. |
Verse 8 | E Deo i espansi poia supra tota la tera, ed eli cessaro edificare la citate. |
Verse 9 | Pro ila cosa, suo nome este Babel, pro che Deo a confundato achelo la lingua de tota la tera: e poia Deo i ave espansi in tote tere. |
Interlinear Translation 1 | And all the land had a single language, and one way of speaking. |
Translation 2 | And it was as they were coming from the east, they found a plain in the land of Shinar and dwelt there. |
Translation 3 | And they said one to another, "Come! Let us build bricks and let us burn them in fire." |
Translation 4 | And they said, "Come! Let's build us a city and a tower, its head in the sky, and let's make us a name, so that we not be lost on the whole earth. |
Translation 5 | And God descended to see the city and the tower which the sons of Man had built. |
Translation 6 | And God said, "Behold, a nation and a language for all, and this they have begun to do. And now, all that they want to do will not be denied." |
Translation 7 | Come! Let's go descend and let's go confound their language there, so that no man can hear the language of his friend. |
Translation 8 | And God scattered them from then on, over all the earth, and they stopped building the city. |
Translation 9 | For that reason, its name is Babel, because God confounded there the language of all the earth: and then God scattered them in many territories. |
English Paraphrase 1 | The earth had one way of speaking and one language. |
Paraphrase 2 | As they were coming from the east, they found a plain in the land of the Shinar and they dwelt there. |
Paraphrase 3 | They said to each other, "Come! Let's build bricks and burn them." |
Paraphrase 4 | And they said, "Come! Let's build a city and a tall tower, and make a name for ourselves, lest we be scattered across the earth. |
Paraphrase 5 | Then, God descended to see the city and the tower which the sons of mankind had built. |
Paraphrase 6 | God said, "Behold, here's a nation and a language for all, this is what they've begun to do. And now, all they want to do will not be denied." |
Paraphrase 7 | Come! Let's descend there and let's confound their language, so that a man won't hear the language of his friend. |
Paraphrase 8 | So God scattered them from then on, across the face of the earth, and they stopped building their city. |
Paraphrase 9 | Therefore its name is Babel, because God there confounded the language of all the earth: and from then on, God scattered them across the face of the earth. |
Notes 1 | e, ed = and |
Notes 2 | era = to be, imperfect |
Notes 3 | dissiro = to say, perfect simple |
Notes 4 | che = such that, so that |
Notes 5 | Deo = God |
Notes 6 | dissi = said |
Notes 7 | suo amico = his friend |
Notes 8 | espansi = scattered (perfect simple) |
Notes 9 | ila = that |
Submitted By | Dan Tohatan |
Date Submitted | Sunday, March 09, 2003 |
Updated By | Dan Tohatan |
Date Edited | Thursday, April 14, 2005 |
Description Of Update | Changed text to reflect latest grammar changes. |
Date To Headline | Friday, April 22, 2005 |