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Møkobi - Babel Text Profile   Advanced
TranslatorJoseph Mynhier
Verse 1Romar kyce v'rø'Acosoðer v'rø'A'y ko'ik b'si ven y'oki.
Verse 2Romar ik'þøn asøm, vi ycüvy ykokik coðem, yrønik mu'ori si'omøn Sinaryn; romar yvo'ømik si'omøn.
Verse 3Romar yko'ik coð'kyce, "okun kosa'uv ykun'r anini ven ykosøm korønyn." Romar ykosik nini ekøm'r ven biþumen e'on'r.
Verse 4Romar yko'ik, "nomy'on v'ru, o'ykun kosa'uv ykun'r aseþe, ven ataheri, nys asømyn eþrør siahøn, romar o'ykun kosa'uv ykun'r avocyþ; vir emoreke v'rø'Acosoðer A'y."
Verse 5Romar Ära useþik rar seþe ven taheri, asøm yvob yzüwýn kas'nar.
Verse 6Romar Ära ko'ik, "ra'on v'ru, y'eðørn a'oðe okin, romar yko'ikon en'si oki; romar røn eðorn asøm yeðorn; romar on en'ðon imirøn yk'ra, asøm ykasa'uv.
Verse 7O'ykun noma'uv, ven uvivøm en'si züvýn, asøm enynøn'ru en'si züvýn."
Verse 8Ära y'emorik syh'n røn'k'ra v'rø'Acasoð v'rø'A'y; ven enykasik seþe.
Verse 9vocyþ seþer ven taherir ik'þøn, "Baber" yc Ära uviwik røn en'si Acosoðyn A'ýn; romar røn'k'ra Ära y'emorik v'rø'Acosoð v'rø'A'y.
Interlinear Translation 1[and] [everyone] [on-Acosoðer] [on Big] [spoke] [written language] [and] [not written language] [ones]
Translation 2[and] [(it) was] [that], [when] [(the) people] [roamed] [towards west], [(they) saw] [(a) plain] [in land] [Shinar of]; [and] [(they) lived life] [in (that) land]
Translation 3[and] [(they) said] [to everyone], "[(sub)I] [whish-make] [(dat.) we] [(acc.) bricks] [and] [(them) make] [fire of]." [and] [(they) made] [brick] [stone for] [and] [bitumen] [mortar for].
Translation 4[and] [(they) said], "[go] [imperative], [(sub.) we] [wish-make] [(dat.) us] [(acc.) city], [and] [(acc.)most-building (tower)], [top] [who of] [will be] [in heaven], [and] [(sub.) we] [wish-make] [(dat.) us] [(acc.) word];[for when] [might scater] [us] [on Acosoðer] [Big].
Translation 5[and] [God] [came] [to see] [city] [and] [tower], [that] [children] [humans of] [have made]
Translation 6[and] [God] [said], "[see] [imperative], [(they) are] [nation] [one]; [and] [(they) speak] [not written language] [one]; [and] [this] [is] [what] [(they) are]; [and] [now] [no thing] [will withhold] [(them) from], [that] [(they) wish-do].
Translation 7[(sub.) us] [wish-go], [and] [confuse] [not written language] [people of], [that] [not-they-understand will] [not written language] [people of].
Translation 8[God] [(them) scatered] [far] [there from] [upon Acosoð] [upon Big]; [and] [not they built] [city].
Translation 9[(the) word] [(the) city for] [and] [(the) tower for] [was] [Babel], [for] [God] [confused] [there] [not written language] [Acosoð of] [Big of]; [and] [there from] [God] [(them) scatered] [on Acosoð] [on Big].
Notes 1The speakers of Møkobi live on a world they call Acosoð, and therefore call Earth Big Acosoð out of an emotional misconseption. (Acosoð is slightly bigger)
Notes 2Articles and 3rd person pronouns are implied in Møkobi, and the demonstratives can be implied.
Notes 3Subjective, dative, and accusative cases are only used in speech, not in narration. The word order is free despite the facted I used S V IO DO, like english, its just habit on my part.
Notes 4The imperitive tense is expressed by an auxilary. Biþumen is a phonetical acception of Bitumen. Also note that the word for tower is a compound of the superlative prefix and the word for building.
Notes 9Note that the word for "word" and "name" is the same thing and is a contraction of "voci'yþ" meaning little sound. Baber is a phonetic acception of Babel.
Submitted ByNicholas Wolfwood
Date SubmittedSaturday, July 10, 2004
Updated ByNicholas Wolfwood
Date EditedSaturday, July 10, 2004
Description Of UpdateFixed some missleading spelling errors in the English and the Møkobi.
Date To HeadlineSunday, July 11, 2004

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