Language | Møkobi |
Year | 2004 |
Translator | Joseph Mynhier |
Verse 1 | Romar kyce v'rø'Acosoðer v'rø'A'y ko'ik b'si ven y'oki. |
Verse 2 | Romar ik'þøn asøm, vi ycüvy ykokik coðem, yrønik mu'ori si'omøn Sinaryn; romar yvo'ømik si'omøn. |
Verse 3 | Romar yko'ik coð'kyce, "okun kosa'uv ykun'r anini ven ykosøm korønyn." Romar ykosik nini ekøm'r ven biþumen e'on'r. |
Verse 4 | Romar yko'ik, "nomy'on v'ru, o'ykun kosa'uv ykun'r aseþe, ven ataheri, nys asømyn eþrør siahøn, romar o'ykun kosa'uv ykun'r avocyþ; vir emoreke v'rø'Acosoðer A'y." |
Verse 5 | Romar Ära useþik rar seþe ven taheri, asøm yvob yzüwýn kas'nar. |
Verse 6 | Romar Ära ko'ik, "ra'on v'ru, y'eðørn a'oðe okin, romar yko'ikon en'si oki; romar røn eðorn asøm yeðorn; romar on en'ðon imirøn yk'ra, asøm ykasa'uv. |
Verse 7 | O'ykun noma'uv, ven uvivøm en'si züvýn, asøm enynøn'ru en'si züvýn." |
Verse 8 | Ära y'emorik syh'n røn'k'ra v'rø'Acasoð v'rø'A'y; ven enykasik seþe. |
Verse 9 | vocyþ seþer ven taherir ik'þøn, "Baber" yc Ära uviwik røn en'si Acosoðyn A'ýn; romar røn'k'ra Ära y'emorik v'rø'Acosoð v'rø'A'y. |
Interlinear Translation 1 | [and] [everyone] [on-Acosoðer] [on Big] [spoke] [written language] [and] [not written language] [ones] |
Translation 2 | [and] [(it) was] [that], [when] [(the) people] [roamed] [towards west], [(they) saw] [(a) plain] [in land] [Shinar of]; [and] [(they) lived life] [in (that) land] |
Translation 3 | [and] [(they) said] [to everyone], "[(sub)I] [whish-make] [(dat.) we] [(acc.) bricks] [and] [(them) make] [fire of]." [and] [(they) made] [brick] [stone for] [and] [bitumen] [mortar for]. |
Translation 4 | [and] [(they) said], "[go] [imperative], [(sub.) we] [wish-make] [(dat.) us] [(acc.) city], [and] [(acc.)most-building (tower)], [top] [who of] [will be] [in heaven], [and] [(sub.) we] [wish-make] [(dat.) us] [(acc.) word];[for when] [might scater] [us] [on Acosoðer] [Big]. |
Translation 5 | [and] [God] [came] [to see] [city] [and] [tower], [that] [children] [humans of] [have made] |
Translation 6 | [and] [God] [said], "[see] [imperative], [(they) are] [nation] [one]; [and] [(they) speak] [not written language] [one]; [and] [this] [is] [what] [(they) are]; [and] [now] [no thing] [will withhold] [(them) from], [that] [(they) wish-do]. |
Translation 7 | [(sub.) us] [wish-go], [and] [confuse] [not written language] [people of], [that] [not-they-understand will] [not written language] [people of]. |
Translation 8 | [God] [(them) scatered] [far] [there from] [upon Acosoð] [upon Big]; [and] [not they built] [city]. |
Translation 9 | [(the) word] [(the) city for] [and] [(the) tower for] [was] [Babel], [for] [God] [confused] [there] [not written language] [Acosoð of] [Big of]; [and] [there from] [God] [(them) scatered] [on Acosoð] [on Big]. |
Notes 1 | The speakers of Møkobi live on a world they call Acosoð, and therefore call Earth Big Acosoð out of an emotional misconseption. (Acosoð is slightly bigger) |
Notes 2 | Articles and 3rd person pronouns are implied in Møkobi, and the demonstratives can be implied. |
Notes 3 | Subjective, dative, and accusative cases are only used in speech, not in narration. The word order is free despite the facted I used S V IO DO, like english, its just habit on my part. |
Notes 4 | The imperitive tense is expressed by an auxilary. Biþumen is a phonetical acception of Bitumen. Also note that the word for tower is a compound of the superlative prefix and the word for building. |
Notes 9 | Note that the word for "word" and "name" is the same thing and is a contraction of "voci'yþ" meaning little sound. Baber is a phonetic acception of Babel. |
Submitted By | Nicholas Wolfwood |
Date Submitted | Saturday, July 10, 2004 |
Updated By | Nicholas Wolfwood |
Date Edited | Saturday, July 10, 2004 |
Description Of Update | Fixed some missleading spelling errors in the English and the Møkobi. |
Date To Headline | Sunday, July 11, 2004 |