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Europanto - Babel Text Profile   Advanced
TranslatorElmar Vogt
IntroductionEuropanto is not so much a "real" language, but more a linguistic experiment - what might the common language of the European Community look like a few centuries from now, when English has faded into oblivion? The question was posed by Diego Marani, who has also published a novel in Europanto. As such, there are virtually no definitive rules on how to speak Europanto. Consequently, one can't prove any translation like mine to be "right" or "wrong". I hope it's in Diego's sense anyway.
Verse 1Toch hat gehabed toto mundo ein tongue, et ein lingua. (No, niks esse gewest Europanto!)
Verse 2Als diese nun sunt getrekked aan est, habent getruved ein plane-pay in pay Schinar, et habent gehabited ibid.
Verse 3Et habent gespraked aan eachaltro: "Aufgets, lasse uns faxe de brickes, et putte diese in flamme!" Et habent getaked brickes an plats von roks, et tar an plats von brick-collant, ...
Verse 4... et habent gedixed: "Aufgets, lasse uns faxe ein polis, et ein tourret, que esse grande, dass il touchet die ciel, umzu faxent uns ein nomen pur uns. Andercase wir will esse dispersed par toto pays.
Verse 5Nun est Dominus gefared bas, umzu observe der cite et der tourret, que die human-infantes habent gebilded.
Verse 6Et Dominus habet gedixed: "Voilá, diese sunt ein folk, et haben ein lingua entre six, et dies ist solo der start von leur faxen! Nun niks shalt esse impossible pur diese, wann diese sunt resoluted!
Verse 7Aufgets, lasse uns fare bas, et make leur lingua confusissimo, dass nomanno willt comprende eachaltro futurmore!"
Verse 8So Dominus habet gedispersed diese von da aan toto pays, ergo diese habent gemussed stoppe faxe leur cite.
Verse 9Leur nomen ist "Babel", porque Dominus da habet gemaked confus leur lingua, et habet gedispersed diese aan toto pays.
Notes 1General note to pronunciation: "x" at the end of a word is similar to Spanish, or the German soft "ch"-sound. (Vaguely, like the English aspired "h" in "house".) "Sh" is like English, "sch" is actually two sounds, namely "s" and a hard "ch" or "k".
Submitted ByElmar Vogt
Date SubmittedSunday, January 12, 2003
Date EditedSunday, January 12, 2003
Date To HeadlineSunday, January 12, 2003

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