Site | Danan  |
Language | Danan |
Year | 2004 |
Translator | Bruce Rimell |
Introduction | The Babel Text in the Danan Language - O Dananxaon Babelichir |
Verse 1 | Oran isimanixaoheose neisiecoixaose tinahon. |
Verse 2 | Hitzera yotxore tzai, tzibarehe Xinarenan hara neiheihen altabizase. |
Verse 3 | Xaocose te "Zatic, hatamnihasa terhce nebanbiovebioveha o mea." Rintzaixase terche atzon nehohil amotara. |
Verse 4 | Nexaose te "Bere haramnihahesa obahilanvitinotoracon oire, bere bene faha haramnitona, hia dirotinahomairen natihiroha ho." |
Verse 5 | Ta mirot o oire on tora te amnisame tzai, suhose a Detzai. |
Verse 6 | Xaose a Detzai te "Ibexaonnehe tinidaniche natxixaoheo, cahatxehe hazo, nebene fehe ibahiaharohe amahe te ihatzohatze. |
Verse 7 | Zatic, bere harosuhohasa ixematzotahe ixaoheo, bere ahitxiocohe." |
Verse 8 | Txio te heitic tihirosehe dirotinahonera, nehalamnioirese. |
Verse 9 | Bere te hia tohe o Babeli, bere heihen ixematxehe a Detzai tinahon ixaoheo. Heitic tihirosehe a Detzai dirotinahomair. |
Interlinear Translation 1 | Now-in exis.-one-language-past-3s and-exis.-together-nom.-speak-past-3s all-world. |
Translation 2 | East-to move-past-dur.-3s men, find-past-3s-3o Shinar-in-of plain and-there-in settle-past-3s. |
Translation 3 | Said-reflex-past-3s te "imper.-come, possib.-make-1s-3o brick and-well-bake-bake-1s emph. prev." Swap-use-past-3s-3o brick not-stone, and-tar not-mortar. |
Translation 4 | And-say-past-3s "Logic. possib.-build-1s-3o-y/nint. heaven-stretch-tower-with-of city, logic. benefac f-1s-1s possib.-build-name-1s, pass. Through-all-world-face-in and-neg.-scatter-1s emph." |
Translation 5 | But see-purp. emph city add. tower sub. build-past-cont.-3s men, descend-past-3s Lord. |
Translation 6 | Say-past-3 Lord te "if-speak-cont.-3s-3o all-one-people-just same-language, begin-do-past-3s-3o this, and-bene f-3s-3s if-neg.-fut.-impossible-3s nothing te fut.-plan-do-3s. |
Translation 7 | Imper.-come, bere possib.descend-1s-y/nint confuse-purp-1s-3o language-3, bere neg.-fut.-understand-reflex.-3s." |
Translation 8 | Follow te there-from scatter-past-3s-3o through-all-world-to, and-stop-build-city-past-3s. |
Translation 9 | Bere te pass. Call-past-3s Babel, bere there-in confuse-past-3 Lord all-world-language. There-from scatter-past-3s-3o Lord through-all-world-face. |
English Paraphrase 1 | Now existed one language and together one speech (for) all the world. |
Paraphrase 2 | While men moved towards the east, they found the Shinar plain and settled therein. |
Paraphrase 3 | They said to each other that "Come, it's possible to make bricks and bake that thing well." They swapped bricks (for) stone and tar (for) mortar. |
Paraphrase 4 | And they said "(Since) is it not possible to build a city with a heaven stretching tower? (Thus) for us it's possible to build our name, so not to be scattered across the world's face" |
Paraphrase 5 | But in order to see the city and tower that men were building, the Lord descended. |
Paraphrase 6 | The Lord said that "If all the people are speaking the same language, (and have) begun this, then for them (if) nothing that they plan doing will be impossible. |
Paraphrase 7 | Come! (Since) is it not possible to descend, in order to confuse their language, (thus) they will not understand each other?" |
Paraphrase 8 | It follows that from there they scattered through all the world and they stopped building the city. |
Paraphrase 9 | Thus that it was called Babel, because there the Lord confused all world language. From there the Lord scattered them across the world's face. |
Submitted By | Bruce Rimell |
Date Submitted | Monday, February 21, 2005 |
Date Edited | Monday, February 21, 2005 |
Date To Headline | Tuesday, February 22, 2005 |