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Czech (Modern) - Babel Text Profile   Advanced
Language SubtitleModern
TranslatorCzech Ecumenical Translation
Verse 1Celá zeme^ byla jednotná v r^ec^i i v c^inech.
Verse 2Kdyz táhli na východ, nalezli v zemi Sineáru plán^ a usadili se tam.
Verse 3Tu si r^ekli vespolek: "Nuze, nade^lejme cihel a du*kladne^ je vypalme." Cihly me^li místo kamene a asfalt místo hlíny.
Verse 4Nato r^ekli: "Nuze, vybudujme si me^sto a ve^z, jejíz vrchol bude v nebi. Tak si uc^iníme jméno a nebudeme rozptýleni po celé zemi."
Verse 5I sestoupil Hospodin, aby zhlédl me^sto i ve^z, které synové lidstí budovali.
Verse 6Hospodin totiz r^ekl: "Hle, jsou jeden lid a vsichni mají jednu r^ec^. A toto je teprve zac^átek jejich díla. Pak nebudou chtít ustoupit od nic^eho, co si usmyslí provést.
Verse 7Nuze, sestoupíme a zmateme jim tam r^ec^, aby si navzájem nerozume^li."
Verse 8I rozehnal je Hospodin po celé zemi, takze upustili od budování me^sta.
Verse 9Proto se jeho jméno nazývá Bábel (to je Zmatek), ze tam Hospodin zmátl r^ec^ veskeré zeme^ a lid rozehnal po celé zemi.
Notes 1Notes to transcription of problematic graphemes: Czech pronounciation in brief: Vowels: a: as in cut. á: as in father. e: as in met. é: as in bad. e^: be^, pe^, ve^: bje, pje, vje me^: mn^e de^, te^, ne^: d^e, t^e, n^e i: as in bit. í: as in see. i and í soften the preceding d^, t^ or n^. o: as in hot. ó: as in short. u: as in book. ú: as in moon. u* (a u with a circle on it): as in moon. y: as in bit. ý: as in see. Consonants: c: as in bats. c^: as in church. d': as in duty. g: as in good. h: as in half. ch: as in Scottish loch. j: as in yes. n^: as in canyon. r: a rolled r (rolled in the front of the mouth). r^: close to rzh. s: as in set. s^: as in short. t': similar to tulip. w: as in van. z: as in zebra. z^: as in pleasure.
Submitted ByLibor Sztemon
Date SubmittedThursday, January 02, 2003
Date EditedThursday, January 02, 2003
Date To HeadlineThursday, January 02, 2003

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