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Design Principles

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Speak in Lojban
Finally, a language that makes
sense to humans (and robots)!



© 1996-2004 Jeffrey Henning.

Design Principles
Novvocu is a naturalistic loglang, and is my personal alternative to Lojban.

Lexical Design
Most words should be derived from a small set of roots (under a thousand).  There must be no ambiguity about which roots a word is comprised of.
The goal is for roots to be somewhat recognizable to speakers of any language.  Since it is impractical to study the thousands of natural languages, special emphasis is given to the six languages with the most native speakers:  Arabic, Chinese, English, Hindi, Russian and Spanish.  These are also the languages most learnt as second languages, meaning many educated people around the world will be familiar with them.
The best root words are those that share an initial consonant sound with the initial sound of similar words in the source languages, providing a mnemonic.