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Karklak (Gnome Tongue)


Karklak-English   Advanced
In 1982, I created my first model language, Karklak.  It consisted simply of a collection of index cards.  Here's the language as it existed in 1982, typos, formatting inconsistencies and all.

aberk n. chain mail, tunic of chain mail [FA hauberk, tunic of chain mail < N hauberc] d.
ak conj. that -
alk adj. each [OE aellc]
arsk adj./adv./n. harsh/harshly/harshness [FA harsk < N.] o.
ban n. warlord [Serbo-Croatian.] o.
barg d.o. prep. her, their, them (o. darg) d.
baron n. baron [FA < N.] o.
barrad n. rabbit d.
beel pn. she, they (feminine) d.
begrinnen v. to begin [ME beginnen < OE bigannan] o.
bik adv. where -
bon v. - irregular bon/bobon/bobun/bon to be - will be, would be (future tense) -
bran n. friend, ally d.
brazzen v. to retreat (from) d.
bregden v. to throw, to turn [OE bregdan.] o.
brekken v. to break (from < M.E. BREKEN < O.E. BRECAN) o.
bren v. to be (present tense) [GT barren < OE aron] -
brog pn. you (all) (o. krog) d.
dal adj./adv. fine -
dar art./pn. - d.o. prep. the, your, you, a, an (o. kar) d.
dar- prefix short, little
darg d.o. prep. his, their, him, them (o. karg) d.
darg d.o. prep. her, their, her, them (d. barg) o.
dargid n. master d.
dark adj./n. dark [ME derk < OE deorc] o.
darkrozzel n. little staff (condescendingly: dangerous little staff) d.
dergrin v. to harness (as in war), to disturb [OE hergian] o.
dez n. lie d.
dezzen v. to lie d.
do pn. I, we (o. ko) d.
dor n. door [ME dor < OE duru] d.
drak n. battle o.
drakken v. to battle o.
drakkenzax n. battle-axe o.
drakon n. dragon [FA dragon < N.] o.
dren v. to be - was, were (past tense) -
dujon n. hilt of a dagger [A dudgeon < FA dogeon < N.] d.
dunor n. thunder; Thunor, God of Thunder; hammer [GT < OA thunor.] o.
dunorkrik n. crossbow [GT dunor, thunder + krik, bow.] o.
durk n. dirk [Sc.] o.
durkken v. to attack or stab with a dirk o.
gar n. hurling spear [OA.] o.
grad n. death o.
gradden v. to die o.
grank n. hour d.
grev n. leg armor [FA greve < N or GT greve < OA reof.] d.
grokken v. to know (word history: from "grok") o.
gron n. gate d.
gronken v. to forget d.
kadd n. a caldron [Backformation < kaddron] o.
kaddron v. to cook (esp. in a kettle cauldron) o.
karg prep. d.o. his, their, him, them (d. darg) o.
Karklak n. The Gnome Tongue o.
karlkraven n. a nightmare creature (literally: fearful men) [ME cravant, cowardly + ME < ON karl, man] [GT < FA cravant, cowardly + karl, man < N] o.
keel pn. he, they (masculine) o.
kirnen v. to fight with a sword [Perh. < kirnizzen, to skirmish] o.
kirniz n. skirmish [FA skirmisshe < N eskirmiss-, to fight with a sword] o.
kirnizzen v. to skirmish o.
klakken v. to draw (a weapon), to get, to take [Imit.] o.
klangen v. to sheathe (a weapon), to put away, to hide [Imit.] [< Lat. clangere] d.
klik adj./adv. quick, quickly [ME quicke, swift < OE cwicu, alive] -
knak adv. not [Perh. OE na, no] -
knord n./adj./adv. north [OE nord] d.
ko pn. I, we (d. ro) o.
konbad n. battle [N combattre.] o.
kor art./pn. - d.o. prep. the, your, you, a, an (d. dar) o.
krad n. enemy, goblin o.
kraken n. kraken [N.] o.
krakken v. to open [ME craken < OE cracian] o.
krangen v. to close d.
kraz n. sword o.
krazzel n. spear - of the thrusting, parrying type (from: kraz+zel = sword+stick) o.
krazzen v. to parry with a sword (from < KROZZEN, to parry + KRAZ, sword) d.
krik n. bow o.
krikken v. to fire a bow o.
krikuk n. bowfire, bow-and-arrow (from: krik+uk = bow+missilefire arrow) o.
kro d.o. prep. my, our, me, us (d. ro) o.
krog pn. you (all) (d. brog) o.
kroz n. a parry (back-formation < KROZZEL - see KRAZZEL) d.
krozzel n. quarterstaff (from: "zel" meaning staff) d.
krozzen v. to parry (esp. with a quarterstaff) (from < KROZ, a parry) d.
rald n. life o.
ralden v. to live o.
ralk adj./n. every/everything [OE aefre+aelk, ever+each] > vralk o.
ralrev n. plunder, especially armor weapons, from the slain [OE wael - reaf.] o.
rard n. guard [OE weard, ward, guardian] d.
rarden v. to guard, to protect [< rard] d.
rarlok n. warlow [OE waerloga, oath-breaker] o.
raven n. raven [GT < OA hraefn] o.
ravenravok n. ravenhawk, or ravinghavoc ("Wings of Night") o.
ravok n. hawk [GT < OA hafoc.] o.
razzen v. to attack with a blade, to kill with a blade (or even a beak or talon) [OT < FA to scrape, rasen] o.
reng n. wing [GT wenge < FA] o.
rengen v. to fly [< reng, wing] o.
renk conj. until -
reven v. to seize forcibly, to plunder [FA < OA reafian.]
revlak n. pillage, plunder [OA reaf-lac.] o.
ro d.o. prep. my, our, me, us (o. kro) d.
ro pn. I, we (now considered archaic) - use do (o. ko) d.
roven v. to shoot arrows at a (practice) target [FA.] o.
uk n. arrow, missile fire o.
urgak n. ogre [Perh. < N - urgach of K.] [K. urgach < N. ogre.] o.
zax n. hatchet, axe [ME sax, knife < OE seax] o.
zel n. staff, walking stick d.
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