Language | Latvian |
Introduction | [some thing] - said in one word in Latvian. |
Verse 1 | Visai pasaulei toreiz bija viena mēle un vienāda valoda. |
Verse 2 | Un kad nu tie savas teltis pārcēla austrumu virzienā, tad tie atrada līdzenumu Sineāras zemē un tur apmetās. |
Verse 3 | Un teica cits citam: "Iesim un taisīsim ķieģeļus un dedzināt tos dedzināsim," jo ķieģeļi tiem noderēja akmeņu vietā un zemes piķis kaļķu vietā. |
Verse 4 | Un tie teica: "Celsim sev pilsētu ar torni, kura virsotne sniedzas debesīs! Ar to mēs sev sagādāsim vārdu un netiksim izkaisīti pa visu zemi." |
Verse 5 | Un tas Kungs nonāca, lai apraudzītu pilsētu un torni, ko cilvēku bērni cēla. |
Verse 6 | Un tas Kungs sacīja: "Lūk, tā ir viena tauta, viena valoda tiem visiem. Tas ir tikai sākums viņu rīcībai, un turpmāk nekas, ko tie nodomājui, vairs nebūs tiem neiespējams. |
Verse 7 | Iesim, nolaidīsimies un sajauksim viņu valodu, ka tie vairs nesaprot cits cita valodu." |
Verse 8 | Un tas Kungs tos izklīdināja no tās vietas pa visu zemes virsu, un viņi mitējās celt pilsētu. |
Verse 9 | Tāpēc tās vietas vārds tiek saukts Bābele, jo tur tas Kungs sajauca visas zemes valodas, un no turienes Viņ tos izklīdināja pa visu zemes virsu. |
Interlinear Translation 1 | [To all] world then was one tongue and equal language. |
Translation 2 | And when now they their tents moved Eastern [in direction], then they found plain Sineara's [in land] and there settled. |
Translation 3 | And said each [to other]: "[Let's go] and [will make] bricks and [to burn] them [will burn]," for bricks them availed stones' [in place] and land's pitch limes' [in place]. |
Translation 4 | And they said: "Let's build for us town with tower, which peak reaches [in sky]. |
Translation 5 | And the Master [came down], to visit town and tower, which people's children built. |
Translation 6 | And the Master said: "Look, it is one nation, one language them all. It is only beginning their [to action], and hereafter nothing, what they [have concieved], anymore [will not be] them impossible. |
Translation 7 | [Let's go], [will descend] and [will mix] their language, that they anymore [don't understand] each other's language. |
Translation 8 | And the Master said them scattered from that place along all land's surface, and they ceased [to build] town. |
Translation 9 | Therefore that place's name is called Babele, because there the Master mixed all land's languages, and from [that place] he them scattered along all land's surface. |
Submitted By | Reinis Lazda |
Date Submitted | Wednesday, September 24, 2003 |
Date Edited | Wednesday, September 24, 2003 |
Date To Headline | Wednesday, September 24, 2003 |