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Introduction[some thing] - said in one word in Latvian.
Verse 1Visai pasaulei toreiz bija viena mēle un vienāda valoda.
Verse 2Un kad nu tie savas teltis pārcēla austrumu virzienā, tad tie atrada līdzenumu Sineāras zemē un tur apmetās.
Verse 3Un teica cits citam: "Iesim un taisīsim ķieģeļus un dedzināt tos dedzināsim," jo ķieģeļi tiem noderēja akmeņu vietā un zemes piķis kaļķu vietā.
Verse 4Un tie teica: "Celsim sev pilsētu ar torni, kura virsotne sniedzas debesīs! Ar to mēs sev sagādāsim vārdu un netiksim izkaisīti pa visu zemi."
Verse 5Un tas Kungs nonāca, lai apraudzītu pilsētu un torni, ko cilvēku bērni cēla.
Verse 6Un tas Kungs sacīja: "Lūk, tā ir viena tauta, viena valoda tiem visiem. Tas ir tikai sākums viņu rīcībai, un turpmāk nekas, ko tie nodomājuši, vairs nebūs tiem neiespējams.
Verse 7Iesim, nolaidīsimies un sajauksim viņu valodu, ka tie vairs nesaprot cits cita valodu."
Verse 8Un tas Kungs tos izklīdināja no tās vietas pa visu zemes virsu, un viņi mitējās celt pilsētu.
Verse 9Tāpēc tās vietas vārds tiek saukts Bābele, jo tur tas Kungs sajauca visas zemes valodas, un no turienes Viņš tos izklīdināja pa visu zemes virsu.
Interlinear Translation 1[To all] world then was one tongue and equal language.
Translation 2And when now they their tents moved Eastern [in direction], then they found plain Sineara's [in land] and there settled.
Translation 3And said each [to other]: "[Let's go] and [will make] bricks and [to burn] them [will burn]," for bricks them availed stones' [in place] and land's pitch limes' [in place].
Translation 4And they said: "Let's build for us town with tower, which peak reaches [in sky].
Translation 5And the Master [came down], to visit town and tower, which people's children built.
Translation 6And the Master said: "Look, it is one nation, one language them all. It is only beginning their [to action], and hereafter nothing, what they [have concieved], anymore [will not be] them impossible.
Translation 7[Let's go], [will descend] and [will mix] their language, that they anymore [don't understand] each other's language.
Translation 8And the Master said them scattered from that place along all land's surface, and they ceased [to build] town.
Translation 9Therefore that place's name is called Babele, because there the Master mixed all land's languages, and from [that place] he them scattered along all land's surface.
Submitted ByReinis Lazda
Date SubmittedWednesday, September 24, 2003
Date EditedWednesday, September 24, 2003
Date To HeadlineWednesday, September 24, 2003

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