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jiVoqu - Babel Text Profile   Advanced
TranslatorMark McGrath
IntroductionThis is the Babel text for a language I've spent a while developing. The language is called jiVoqu (that's j i V o q u , pronounced "jee-voe-koo"), and it employs grammar coding for everything except pronouns, proper nouns, the negator, and other little particles and articles. To prevent confusion if you're trying to figure it out word for word, jiVoqu uses postpositions, not prepositions. Pronounciation notes, jiVoqu->English: uu->w, c->sh, x->ch, zj->zh (French j), q->k or c or q, s->s or c ng->song sound also, all vowels are pronounced separately, therefore aa->ah-ah uu->w is distinguished from uu->oo-oo by a mark, therefore uù or úu or u'u -->oo-oo th->t-- (the 'h' after t denotes a lengthening of the t sound, almost like pronouncing 'h' right after 't').
Verse 1Togi diji ji tayra hai esu ngi tongua togi upli moa qo.
Verse 2Togi Xen hai esu qirasi Roz hai yavorsu Qedem/ji esti duas, Roz hai asu geheva ji nasona Cin'ar fias togi Roz hai leyfu xiatzi.
Verse 3Togi unioi sapea hai voqu E lis tresa jas, "Uvasu! Syo ori zegu nia qo toqi fayru fayra jas." Togi ji nia hai esu Roz lis pira, togi ji zja hai esu Roz lis zegu qeza.
Verse 4Togi Roz hai voqu, "Uvasu! Roz ori zegu Syo voras zeria togi singa togi Xen lis roca ji sia fias, togi Syo ori fetu noma Syo voras, puui Syo hai ori esu haidiui ji feroca dui eqi tayra loras."
Verse 5Togi YHWH (Omna) hai uvasu unongas speqtu ji zeria qinaf ji muga qo dui Sapya (pu) hai zegu.
Verse 6Togi YHWH hai voqu, "Ngia speqtu, unioi nasona, togi ngi tongua eqi dui Roz voras, togi cia Roz esu hai qomansu fetu. Togi cirasi, Xen u ori esu haiuperu Roz duas, eqi qinaf Roz (ori) iu.
Verse 7Uvasu! Syo ori uvasu unongas togi Syo ori qonfauundu Roz lis tongua xiatzi, togi u ngi sapea ori qaytu ji tongua dui E lis tresa.
Verse 8Togi YHWH hai diuù Roz xiatzi duas ji feroca dui eqi tayra peras (through, rather than on), togi Roz hai uqomansu zegu ji zeria.
Verse 9Duixo hai nomu Xen "Babel" qxo xiatzi YHWH hai qanfouundu ji tongua dui eqi ji taira, togi xiatzi duas YHWH hai diuù Roz ji feroca dui eqi tayra peras.
Notes 8Note: The ù is aesthetic, 'u or no mark can also be used. These marks are to indicate that uu is not pronounced like a w in English, but like "oo-oo".
Submitted ByMark McGrath
Updated ByJeffrey Henning
Date EditedSunday, March 24, 2002
Description Of UpdateI simply put this in the new template, for ease of contrast to Mark's new language, Lasa.
Date To HeadlineSunday, March 24, 2002

< Japanese  jiVoqu  Jovian >

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