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3/14/02 - 5:35 pm - Why Quenya Beat Sindarin In The Top 10
Jeff Lunde asks, apropos the Personal Top 10 Conlangs page, why Sindarin wasn't included.  I include Quenya rather than Sindarin since it is the language of Aman, the Blessed Realm.  Since most Sindarin terms are derived from Quenya, I could say that Quenya & Sindarin are one entry in the Top Ten, especially since most of the names in The Lord of the Rings are from Sindarin.

3/14/02 - 3:47 pm - The Man Who Created The Lord of the Rings
I bought J.R.R. Tolkien: The Man Who Created "The Lord of the Rings" for one of my sons.  It is a good children's biography of our king of langmakers, J.R.R. Tolkien.  While it doesn't discuss his language invention in any detail (Humphrey Carpenter's biography is better for that), it provides a detailed look at his life and at his two most popular works, The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings.

3/14/02 - 1:55 pm - Nadsat & Amman-Iar Link Updates
Thanks to Ronald Legere for pointing out some broken links on the Personal Top 10 Conlangs page.  Here's a better Nadsat site, even offering Windows software to translate English to Nadsat.  And here's a new Amman-Iar link.  Since it turned out quite of few of these links were broken, I re-coded them to automatically take the best page from Google.  We'll see how that experiment holds up.

3/13/02 - 9:36 pm - Atlantean
In addition to my analysis of the Atlantis language, Paul Sherrill also maintains a site on Atlantean.  He provided me a good overview of the grammar:
"Atlantean's basic word order is SOV, with postpositions and adjectives that follow their heads, although it appears that adverbs precede theirs.  Nouns have at least three cases: the nominative (the root alone), the accusative (root + tem) and the vocative (root + top, like you mentioned).  Plurals are formed by adding -en.  Verbs add a suffix to indicate tense/aspect and another to indicate person and number.  So far I have examples of three 'tenses': the present perfect, present, and future.  Most of the time, the two suffixes are easily identifiable, but in a few combinations the tense marker drops or changes a letter or two."
And the DVD contains Marc Okrand (inventor of Klingon as well as Atlantean) in an instructional video called "How To Speak Atlantean"!  He prepared it for Leonard Nimoy and other actors who had to learn Atlantean.

3/12/02 - 10:44 pm - What's Furbish For "Adoption Agency"?
Damian Yerrick had some comments on my description of Furbish:
'The official site also has a bidirectional dictionary.  There's an error in your lexicon:  cloud = "a-loh/may-Lah" not "a-loh/may-Tah".  Derivation: "light + hug".  But what's Furbish for "adoption agency"?  Try "e-bay".  It fits.'

3/12/02 - 10:12 pm - New Site Design
I updated the site design to make it easier for you to navigate, and to make it easier for me to add pages.  Not everything is in the new template yet, but all the main pages are.  Also added a Search capability -- had indexed over 174 pages here;  I hadn't realized the site was so large.

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