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EDA - Conlang Profile   Advanced
Language NameEDA
Language AuthorArne Arotnow
Year Began2005
Broken LinkNo
Site LanguageEnglish and German
Language Typeinternational auxiliary language
UniquenessThe Edanic language is easy Italian. EDA doesn't consist of words that are derived from different languages. The Edanic vocabulary (especially nouns, adjectives and infinitives) is only derived from the Italian language. EDA transforms Italian into a new language, which is more regular with regard to spelling, stress, pronunciation, and grammar.
Language SourcesLatin, Italian, and German.
Design PrinciplesEdanic nouns have masculine, feminine, or neuter gender. Only people can have masculine or feminine gender. The Edanic language has the following grammatical cases: nominative (subject), prepositional-genitive, prepositional-dative (indirect object), and accusative (direct object). Masculine nouns in the nominative have the ending o (singular) or os (plural). Feminine nouns in the nominative have the ending a (singular) or as (plural). Neuter nouns in the nominative have the ending m (singular) or s (plural). Nouns in the accusative case have the following singular endings for the three genders: oc (masculine), ac (feminine), and c (neuter). The endings in the accusative plural are ox (masculine), ax (feminine), and x (neuter). Edanic infinitives ends in re (non-reflexive) or in rsi (reflexive). An Edanic finite verb-form has the following form: stem + g + m + t + p. [Stem = stem of the infinitive of the verb; g = genus verbi (active or passive voice); m = mood consonant; t = tense (double) vowel; p = personal ending]. There are eight personal endings for a finite verb-form: -, s, tsh, t, m, st, sh, nt (modified Latin personal endings). The grammatical tense is shown by the tense (double) vowel before the personal ending. The tense (double) vowels are: i (present), a (perfect), u (imperfect), au (pluperfect), oi (future I), and y (future II). The Edanic language has three grammatical moods: imperative, indicative, and conditional. The mood in a finite verb-form is shown by the mood consonant before the tense (double) vowel: b (indicative and imperative) and f (conditional). We can form the passive voice of a finite verb-form by putting sh before the mood consonant. It is possible to use the auxiliary verbs avere (to have) and/or gerre (to become) in order to form finite verb-forms and infinitives. All Edanic personal pronouns and possessive pronouns show the grammatical gender. Adverbs have the ending umente or i, conjunctions have always the ending i. The comparative of adjectives is formed by adding yr to the stem of the adjective, the superlative is formed by adding yst. The grammatical structure is influenced by Germanic languages although the vocabulary is based on Romance.
Interest Of OthersNobody can know this.
Sample TextsYes
Unique ScriptNo
Babel TextNo
Lexicon Size46,949
Submitted ByArne Arotnow
Date SubmittedThursday, July 28, 2005
Date EditedThursday, July 28, 2005
Date To HeadlineThursday, August 11, 2005

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